From 10 January to 30 March 2025, Vimperk Castle will be open every Friday - Sunday.
Do not overlook
The Castle Awakening
Just as nature in Šumava mountains is waking up from long winters, the Vimperk castle is also waking up now. Not from winter, but from a long period of neglect and decay. In 2015, the National Heritage Institute took over the castle and since then its gradual restoration has been underway. In 2021, the first phase of the restoration ended, and now the second phase is ongoing (you can read more about the restoration in the section The Winter Castle Awakening).
The castle thus has a lot to offer visitors who prefer renovated rooms with furnishings, but also those who enjoy exploring the history of the castle in the raw, unrenovated rooms. The ongoing restoration is then a wonderful reason for repeat visits, as it is possible to see its progress with your own eyes. Here a repaired roof appears after a year, here a piece of restored facade... until one spring the whole place wakes up, including the gardens in bloom.