If you are a fan of active vacation with a focus on mountain hiking, we recommend you to visit the Vimperk castle and follow the path up the Boubín lookout tower afterwards.
Start: the State Castle Vimperk
Finish: the Boubín lookout tower
Distance: 12,5 km (plus a way to the bus stop, the railway station or to the car park)
(On your trip you follow trails with striped marks on rocks, trees and poles. Central European Hiking Markers System uses three bars - usually one colour (blue, green, red or yellow) in between two white bars in a 10 cm x 10 cm square.)
During the summer holidays the first guided tour begins at 10 AM. After the castle visit follow the red marked trail which goes along the railway station, heading to Pravětín. While passing Pravětín, you can choose the farther route:
1/ following the red marked trail, you go on farther until you arrive to the Boubín lookout tower. At present, the observation tower is freely accessible throughout the year.
2/ following the green marked trail which is connected to the Educational Forest Trail (“Lesnická NS”). When reaching the crossroad called “Nad Veselkou”, take the red marked road again.
If you want to go farther from the Boubín lookout tower, follow for the next 4,5 km the blue marked trail to the town Kubova Huť (the bus stop and the railway station). Or you can walk for 6,1 kilometres on the green marked trail instead, which leads along the Boubín lake to the car park called “Pod Boubínem”. Then you can continue on the green marked road to the railway station Zátoň which is 7 kilometres far from the lookout tower.
Tip: For the tourists with a car we recommend a one day round trip. Initially, you can leave your car in a car park in Kubova Huť, thereafter go to Vimperk by train and finally walk back from the Boubín lookout tower to Kubova Kuť.
Note: You can always plan your trip the other way around: climb on the Boubín lookout tower in the morning and visit the last guided tour of the Vimperk castle, which is at 4 PM during the summer holidays.

(click on the map to open it in the new window)